Roof Color Choices for Curb Appeal in North Carolina

Choosing the right roof color might not be quite as daunting as budgeting and building permits, but it’s still a big decision that sets the tone (quite literally!) for decades to come. Your roof color choice also has an impact on your home’s value — and the relationship you have with your neighbors!

If your North Carolina home is anything like most, your roof probably covers 30 to 40 percent of your property’s exterior surface, and if you’re gearing up for a roof replacement, you’ve got a real chance to make it pop.

Choosing your roof color is a little scary, too, isn’t it? You want to go with a color palette you won’t hate a year from now, that doesn’t stick out like a sore thumb in your neighborhood, and that can only possibly impact your home’s value positively.

How do you get it right? We’re not called The Roof Mentors for nothing. Grab yourself a coffee and a notebook!

Consider Your Home’s Architectural Style

You want to think about your home’s architectural style and make sure that the roof colors you’re considering are a great match. If you have an older or historic home, it almost always looks best if you choose a roof color that was available when the property was first built. Modern homes give you more flexibility, but that also makes it harder to choose!

While there are no hard and fast rules, let’s take a look at some examples:

  • Colonial homes tend to look best with earthy browns, tans, or beige shades already popular in North Carolina.
  • With a Victorian Revival home, you can make more of a statement with a deep gray, charcoal, or even deep blue.
  • Farmhouse-style homes look beautiful with natural roof colors like terracotta, cedar, or cypress.
  • Modern homes with a sleek look can look amazing with dark gray, deep charcoal, light gray, or even white (for low-sloped roofing).

Is your home’s architectural style not on the list? Contact our friendly staff at The Roof Mentors; we’d be happy to give you some pointers.

Survey Your Neighborhood to Explore Roof Colors

We don’t have anything too formal in mind here. Exterior design trends vary from one neighborhood to the next, though, so take a tour of the roofs you see around your neighborhood.

Earthy tones like brown, tan, beige, dark gray, charcoal, and clay or terracotta are some of the most popular roof colors in North Carolina overall — but your neck of the woods might be different. If you like, take a notepad with you to track the colors you come across, along with notes about the ones you like most.

This process also has another component — if you’re under a HoA, check its rules about roof colors and make sure you’re compliant. Even if you’re not, it might still be a good idea to ask your neighbors what they think if you’re planning an unusual roof color.

Take a Look at Color Wheels to Make Sure Your Roof Color Complements Your Home Aesthetics

If you’re not familiar with color wheels, they’re tools that show the relationships between the primary colors and other shades. Look them up online!

Depending on your aesthetic preferences, there are two general approaches to choosing an exterior design color palette that most people will enjoy (or at least not hate):

  • Choose a roof color that complements the color of your home’s exterior walls. This color is usually a little darker than your walls, and it will be close to that shade on the color wheel.
  • Pick a roof color that contrasts the rest of your home’s exterior. These are shades on the opposite end of the color wheel. In that case, you want to tie the look together by including other accents in similar shades — for example, your window frames, doors, blinds, and the plants and shrubs in your yard.

The second option can work very nicely, but it’s the riskier move out of the two.

Curious what your new roof might look like? Visualize it with the Atlas Roof & Home Design Studio for some low-stakes experimentation!

Excited to Get Your Beautiful New Roof?

We’re called The Roof Mentors for a reason. We’re not just here for a flawless and fast roof installation, but also to advise you on your color options. Contact The Roof Mentors today if you’d like a consultation, and we’ll work with you to make sure your brand-new roof will add visual appeal and value to your neighborhood.

The Importance of Roof Flashing

Your shingles or roof tiles might be the most visible part of your roof, but they never do their job of protecting your home on their own. Other components, including gutters, downspouts, soffit, vents, fascia, and roof flashing, also play key roles.

If you never give your roof flashing much thought, that’s because it’s easy to miss. Let’s put it in the spotlight now, because without it, your roof wouldn’t be waterproof.

What Is Roof Flashing?

Roof flashing protects your roof at its most vulnerable spots — around joints, edges, and penetrations like skylights, vents, chimneys, and dormers. Usually made from metals like galvanized steel, aluminum, or copper, it seals these weaker areas and directs water away from them.

Think of flashing as an essential step in waterproofing your roof. Without it, water could seep through and cause damage inside your property.

What Is Roof Flashing?

Because flashing protects all joints, penetrations, and roof ventilation features, it only makes sense that roofers work with different types of flashing. Each is installed in a different way, although every type of flashing helps with leak prevention, it does so in unique ways.

If you go outside and take a look at your roof, you may be able to spot:

  • Drip edge flashing, installed along your roof’s edges to encourage water to flow away from your fascia and soffit.
  • Valley flashing, installed around roof valleys (where two slopes come together).
  • Step flashing, embedded into your roofing materials in a “stair pattern.”
  • Counter flashing — an extra layer of protection installed over the top of other flashing.
  • Cap flashing to seal the tops of penetrations like chimneys and roof vents.

Why Should You Pay Attention to Roof Flashing?

Many homeowners who spot signs of trouble — like water leaks inside the home or mold in the attic — immediately wonder if there’s something wrong with their shingles. In some cases, these roofing issues point to damaged flashing.

As with any roofing problem, identifying and fixing damaged flashing as soon as possible will help you prevent the need for more extensive roof repair work, and even structural repairs to your home, later on. Knowing what to look out for can save you a lot of money!

What Are the Most Common Signs of Damaged Roof Flashing?

Now that you know your roof flashing is one of your home’s most important leak prevention features, you’ll probably pay extra attention to it. Some flashing issues immediately make
themselves apparent, but others are trickier to identify. Keep an eye out for:

  • Leaks! Water stains and dripping in your attic or along your walls are always a reason to take action. Damaged flashing is one possible cause.
  • Mold. Because mold needs moisture to grow, it’s a sure sign that water is getting into your home. Again, roof flashing issues can be to blame.
  • Rust. If your roof flashing is made of metal, pay attention to corrosion. It’s not just unsightly, but it’ll also weaken your flashing over time — which is where those water leaks come in again.
  • Flashing? What flashing?! Storms can sometimes take off with your flashing, leaving your roof’s most vulnerable spots exposed. In other cases, heavy winds can partially tear your flashing off, leaving it holding on for dear life (while making annoying noises).
  • General damage. Warping, cracks, gaps, and ice dams all fall under this heading. Don’t let it fester — call your local roofers!

One more “bonus” tip to watch out for: if you notice a sudden and otherwise unexplained spike in your energy bills, roofing issues, including damaged flashing, can be to blame.

Keep in mind that not all of your roof flashing is externally visible, though. That’s one of the reasons regular roof inspections are such a good idea. Your roofers will thoroughly check your flashing when they inspect your roof, so you can stay ahead of emerging problems that could cause extensive damage to your home.

The Roof Mentors Will Take Care of Your Flashing Issues in a Flash!

Are you concerned about the condition of your roof flashing — whether because you spotted rust, you’re pretty sure a piece of your flashing took off during a storm, or your ceiling looks like it’s been crying?

The Roof Mentors have you covered. We can take care of all your roofing in Fayetteville , including repairing and installing flashing. Call or email us to set up a free roof inspection, and we’ll zoom in
on what needs to be done.

Roof Warranties and Their Importance in North Carolina

The roof is more than just a bunch of shingles slapped together. It stands as the first line of defense for your home against Mother Nature. In North Carolina, the weather can get pretty crazy at times. Summer is blistering hot, while winter has cold, nippy days mixed with drenching rainstorms and even an occasional hurricane.

Live around here long enough and roofing issues are bound to happen. High winds and heavy rains can rip shingles right off the roof. Hail can dent and crack a roof, and sunlight can age shingles faster than you can say “summer BBQ.”

Over time, these problems can turn into leaks, water damage, and bigger headaches. Not to mention, a poorly installed roof can bring about major issues such as water damage and mold infestation—nobody wants the health risk or potential for structural damage caused by these problems.

Understanding Roofing Insurance – Why Roof Warranties Are So Important

Roofing insurance warranties give your home safety against these calamities. A decent roof warranty is an assurance that you’re covered if anything goes south. You should be aware of two main types of roofing insurance: manufacturer warranties and workmanship warranties.

Manufacturer Warranties

These commitments come from the installer and cover any defects in the roofing materials. If your shingles or other installment components turn out to be duds, the manufacturer replaces them. With the unpredictable nature of North Carolina weather, this warranty is a must to keep your roof in tip-top shape.

Workmanship Warranties

But even the best roofing materials and components won’t do you much good if they aren’t fitted correctly. Enter workmanship warranties; this form of roofing insurance covers installation issues that may result in roof problems. If the installation team doesn’t do the job correctly, the company will fix it, free of charge.

The Huge Risk of Not Having Any Warranty

If you don’t have a roof warranty, you’re left holding the bag when covering the bill for repairs or replacements if something goes wrong. Replacing a roof isn’t cheap, and roof repairs can break the bank. While you might not think about warranties day-to-day, when disaster strikes, you’ll wish you had the foresight to choose a guaranteed installation.

Choose the Right Roofer

It’s important to choose the right roof installation company for your project. Stay away from fly-by-night companies. They might offer you a great deal, but they’ll leave you high and dry when problems pop up. Look for solid, reputable companies like The Roof Mentors that offer comprehensive warranties.

Get Added Peace of Mind

Your roof shields your house from the elements, protects it from powerful storms, and safeguards it from structural damage or accidents. With roof insurance, you get peace of mind knowing that no matter what happens, you can get your home back in shape without forking over thousands of dollars for repairs.

Roof Warranties NC

Roofing guarantees are a must for North Carolina homeowners. They remove the uncertainty and stress of weather events ripping your roof up or water damage causing structural issues. Reach out to The Roof Mentors, and we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about roof warranties and how they apply to your installation.

A home is one of the biggest life purchases you’ll make, and replacing the roof is a significant expense. Protect your investment and take away the worry, knowing that your roof is equipped to handle anything North Carolina can throw at it. Stay safe and dry, friends!

A house with a snow-covered roof showcasing the expertise of The Roof Masters in roof installation.

Common Winter Roof Damages and What You Can Do About Them

Winter and everything it brings might be your favorite season, but your roof might not think so. Snow, rain, ice, and cold temperatures test roofs in North Carolina. That’s why we’ll warn you about winter roof damages we see all the time. When you know where the problem might occur, it’s easier to prevent it, so you won’t have to deal with any damage.

Missing Shingles

Even the new, perfectly installed roof can lose shingles due to strong winds. But roofs that aren’t maintained are prone to blow-offs. Luckily, they rarely happen out of the blue. There are usually some early signs, such as cracked or bent shingles. We always say that everyone should check their roof after every storm to be sure it’s intact. Weather doesn’t forgive and uses every chance to show its might on random homes.

And roofing problems grow fast, especially during winter. If you notice those signs or already have missing shingles – consider that your top priority. Once all your shingles are in perfect condition, your chances of getting leaks during winter are much lower. But be careful…

Ice Dams Are Known To Cause Leaks

We all love the warmth of home during winter, but the temperature inside the house warms up the attic hence the roof. If there’s any snow on top, it melts and then freezes again once it touches the edges of the roof. If that keeps happening, your home gets a pretty white ice dam. And while it might look romantic, it’s a glacier on steroids.

Ice dams cause leaks because they slowly melt and freeze from the bottom all the time. Warm air from the house melts them, and cold from the outside freezes them. And as that happens, drops of water accumulate in tiny lakes. Yet lakes like to grow, and water loves to seek new ways, so it penetrates under shingles.

And that’s not the worst part…

Some roofs endure months with early signs of leaks. But ice dams are different because once water enters small cracks and the temperature falls – it freezes and expands. So literally every time water freezes and melts, the crack grows, and the leak gets more serious. That’s why it’s crucial to maintain and inspect your roof.

Icicles Can Get Heavy

Tiny icicles might look nice, and, to be fair, they aren’t the most dangerous thing in the world. But can still cause damage.

Melting water can get into small cracks, freeze, expand… You know the drill. So look at every icicle as a tiny ice dam that might give you a headache if you let it grow.

But if the weather gets penguin-worthy and big icicles form around the edge of your roof, it may be better to call someone. They can get heavy and solid. So do everything you can to remove icicles before they take over your roof. And don’t be too proud to seek help.

It’s Always The Punch You Didn’t Expect That Gets You

As you probably noticed, proper maintenance is the key to getting through the winter without roof damage. But that includes taking care of your whole property. Not just your roof. If you don’t trim your trees, strong winds will. And then you can only hope that big, heavy branches don’t hit your roof or even worse.

Luckily most homeowners are aware of that danger. But while they deal with big branches, twigs plot against them. Dead leaves and small branches clog gutters which either cause overflows (sometimes leads to flooded basements) or freeze and expand. And if something that should be watertight expands, it loses its purpose.

That’s why it pays off to seek help from someone who deals with roof damage daily. And if you’re looking for an experienced roofing contractor in Winston-Salem, NC, we are here to help.

A man wearing a mask and gloves is working on a roof for a roofing company.

3 Reasons Why Roof Repair Should Be Your Top Priority

“If it isn’t broken, don’t repair it” might be true in some cases, but if we’re talking about roofs, that’s one of the worst strategies. If you notice any issues on your roof, don’t let them grow because roofing problems sometimes grow exponentially.

So it’s safe to say that…

The Longer You Wait, the More Expensive It Gets

Many homeowners think that losing a shingle isn’t a big deal, so they don’t do anything about it for months. And having a roof with missing shingles is terrible because it’s only a matter of time before more shingles get blown off.

Without shingles, the underlayment is exposed to weather conditions which almost always leads to leaks if not addressed for a long time. That’s how a small problem can grow into something serious. And it doesn’t always take long for a roofing issue to evolve.

If gutters need repair and a storm hits the area, the homeowner can expect water damage on the walls and in the basement. Unlike slow-developing leaks that sometimes take months to show visible signs, overflows cause damage in a couple of hours. Cracked walls, blistering paint, cracked sidewalk, or flooded basement. All of that can happen to people who don’t repair their gutters.

And each roof part can cause problems if not maintained.

If you notice your flashings are rusted or have hail damage, don’t wait. It’s easier to replace flashings than repair leaks. The same goes for roof vents. It takes 5 minutes to check it and a couple of hours to repair it, but neglect it; it could turn your attic into an empire of mold (and eventually cause leaks).

That’s why it pays off to deal with the problems before they get out of control, especially if you can do some of those repairs alone. But we still advise you to choose professional over DIY roof repair because it pays off in the long run (and you aren’t risking your health).

Poor Roof May Put Your Health At Risk (And Raise Your Bills)

We can’t talk about neglected roofs without mentioning what they do to everyone living under them. Roof vents and attic insulation affect your energy bills by regulating the temperature of the house, so they’re indirectly responsible for the health of your entire home.

Yet don’t forget that roof vent keeps your family healthy.

Mold loves humid, warm attics. And the worst thing is that you probably won’t notice before mold takes over the attic and starts showing as tiny black dots on your ceiling.

That’s why you should check your roof vent and attic more often. It takes you 5 minutes. Just climb to the attic with a smoke stick, light it and watch the smoke. Call your contractor immediately if the smoke floats around you because it’s a sign that your roof vent doesn’t work.

You Won’t Have Trouble With the Insurance Company

Insurance companies must protect themselves from irresponsible homeowners, so every policy says that wear and tear aren’t covered. It means that a representative of your insurance provider will come to check the roof before a repair to determine if the problem could’ve been avoided by proper maintenance.

That ties back to the first point – the sooner you address problems on your roof, the more affordable the repair will be. Neglect the problem, and it will develop into something more serious, expensive, and time-consuming.

So inspect your roof after every storm to be sure you’re up-to-date with all the problems (so you can avoid getting bad news from the insurance company). And it’s advisable to have at least one professional roofing inspection a year because contractors have the experience and tools needed to diagnose the issues before they become massive problems.

However, it matters who does the inspection. And to be sure you called the best local roofing contractor, get in touch with the roofing contractor Dunn NC with rich experience.

How Does Summer Affect Your Roof 4 Summer Roofing Issues to Watch Out For

How Does Summer Affect Your Roof: 4 Summer Roofing Issues to Watch Out For

Summer is all fun and games until you notice one of the most common summer roofing issues. You hopefully won’t face any of the 4 problems we’ve listed below. But it’s always better to be safe than sorry, so pay attention. It may save you a lot of money, time, and nerves.


Don’t Become a Playground for Mold

The roof vent is one of the most crucial parts of the house. If your ventilation doesn’t work perfectly, your attic can become a playground for mold. High temperatures and humidity are perfect conditions for mold development, especially if you keep your living area cool. That creates a temperature difference which additionally speeds up the growth of the mold.

Other issues caused by poor ventilation aren’t that dangerous, but life is still simpler without them. A moist attic will make metal parts of your roof rust. All that moisture can even cause problems in the interior of your home. Peeling paint and high temperatures in the house are the most common.


Sun Will Try to Make Your Roof Crack

The hottest period of the year in Fayetteville, NC, is between late May and mid-September. The average temperature is 83°F, and the UV index is 7. A couple of months under such conditions (combined with high humidity and a lot of rain) is a big test for your roof.

Shingles may bend and crack if your coating is older than your kids. That might seem irrelevant, but it makes other parts of the roof vulnerable, which leads to leaking. However, leaks are more likely to occur in other elements.


Water vs. Roof Valleys And Flashings

July, August, and September are the months with the most rain in Fayetteville, NC, so summer is a big test for roof valleys and flashings. The most common water-related problem is leaking. You may not notice it until water starts dripping through the attic to your bedroom.

Even tiny imperfections in roof valleys can create space for water to accumulate. The longer the water stays there, the more serious the damage will be. However, flashings are even more vulnerable to water damage. If you don’t check flashings for signs of rust and small cracks, water will use them to penetrate your home.


Fayetteville Summer Winds May Move Shingles

Even though winds aren’t extreme during the summer, it’s always good to check your shingles. If you don’t do it, the wind will. Loose shingles may fall out and create a way for water to get in touch with less durable parts of your roof, such as the roof sheathing.

And don’t think that you can ignore a couple of missing shingles. They can cause one of the most common roofing problems – the domino effect. The more shingles go missing, the more serious the damage (and expenses) becomes. That’s why replacing your roof during summer can also be a great idea. But don’t neglect the weather forecast and choose a contractor who doesn’t miss deadlines.


Don’t Risk Getting a Summertime Sadness

Summer can be the fun part of the year or the time you’d love to forget. That largely depends on the condition of your roof. Common problems such as cracks, leaks, and moist-related issues aren’t difficult to avoid. Check all parts of your roof regularly.

And if you want to be 100% sure nothing can surprise you, call experienced roofers in Fayetteville, NC, to conduct an inspection. We’ll warn you about potential problems and suggest solutions. That will let you sleep peacefully regardless of the UV index or rainstorms.

A house with a rain gutter and the words the roofing masters.

Is Your Fayetteville Roof Ready for the Spring Rains?

For a lot of people, springtime is their favorite time of the year. The weather gets nicer, days are longer and warmer, and there are more outdoor activities. But along with all the good things springtime has to offer, there are some downsides, as well – especially for your roof. 

And in the Fayetteville area, this usually means rainy days, afternoon showers, thunderstorms, or a sudden rain that pops out from nowhere. So, when it comes to your home, you need to protect it from heavy weather conditions, meaning you have to keep the rain outside where it belongs. 

Even one small tear on your roof could lead to a hole that keeps leaking every time it rains, and this could lead to long-term water damage. 

That's why you need to make sure your roof is ready for the spring rains! 

But don’t worry, it’s not so stressful if you do it right. The Roof Mentors are here with some useful advice.

Why Inspecting Your Roof Matters

The two most important parts of your home are its foundation and its roof. Your roof is what defends your house from rain, making sure it stays nice and dry. Therefore, you should never ignore a problem with your roof. 

Even if there is just a small leak or if you see dampening stains on the inside of your house, it’s best to take care of it immediately because the problem won’t go away on its own – you have to take care of it. 

DIY home improvement is not a bad thing, but we advise you to always call the pros when you see the need for repair work because one bad DIY repair job could potentially lead to the need for a brand-new roof. 

Count Your Shingles

Okay, you don’t really need to count the exact number. However, you do have to check your roof to see if all of the shingles are in place and in good condition. This is probably the most important part of your roof. If you see a shingle or two missing, don’t ignore this issue. Have them replaced immediately. 

Otherwise, there could be a domino effect. If one shingle falls off because of the rain and heavy winds, the next time it rains, another one could fall off – or even a dozen at once. Before you know it, entire sections of the roof could be gone, and you could be looking at some major repairs. 

Make Sure There Are Plenty of Granules

As the years go by, your asphalt shingles will see signs of usage. If they are close to being worn out, you will most likely notice a lack of granules on them. Shingles need the texture of granules to provide your roof with adequate protection. Not just from the rain but also from hail, sun exposure, possible fires, and wind. 

This shingle wear and tear is the result of normal weathering, which is something beyond your control. What you can control, on the other hand, is how serious the issue will become. In other words, you should always address it quickly. 

In addition to that, when granules fall off, the problem usually spreads across groups of shingles. This is why homeowners replace them in bulk instead of doing micro repairs on one shingle at a time. 

Be Responsible and Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late

A strong roof means a safe house. You can actually enjoy the rainy season if your roof is ready. In order to do that, run a preliminary inspection of your roof, and if you see anything potentially damaged, forget about DIY repairs. You don’t want to risk your safety by climbing the roof and doing repairs on your own.

Instead, call the experts!

The Roof Mentors are your best choice when it comes to roofing repair Fayetteville NC. Give us a call and we will gladly help you out with advice or an on-site inspection of your roof. And if there is any work that has to be done on your roof, we will take care of it quickly and efficiently, so you can relax.

Top Spring Roof Maintenance Tips

Top Spring Roof Maintenance Tips: Fixing the Problem Before It’s Too Late

We require our roofs to take on such a big responsibility all year long. They have to protect us from snow in the winter as well as from the rocky summer heat. And that’s why spring, the milder season in between, is generally the perfect time to get your roof inspected.

Spring typically means that it’s been a while since you last checked up on your roof. And with so many things happening before and potentially during this season that could potentially damage it (snowstorms, hail storms, fallen tree branches), now is the best time to take care of any potential problems before they worsen.

So, what can you do and where to focus your attention? Read on as we list some top tips for your spring roof maintenance.


Take a Look at Your Entire Roofing Surface from The Ground

The first thing you can do is have a look at your roof, i.e., perform a visual inspection from the ground. What you should be looking for are any missing or broken shingles, debris build-up, moss, algae, broken flashing, detached gutters, and any other obvious damages. These can usually easily be fixed before they cause any more damage to your roof – provided they are caught early on.


Check and Clean Your Gutters and Downspouts

Remove any debris from your gutters and downspouts that has built up over time, including leaves, twigs, branches, any other kind of debris. You can either do this yourself or hire a professional to do it for you. This is very important because one of the most common issues with gutters is clogging, which leads to water backing up and spilling over onto the roof, causing serious damage over time.


Check for Leaks Outside and Inside Your Home

A leaky roof can cause a lot of damage in a short period of time, so it’s important to take care of it as soon as you can. So, make sure to check for any visible leaks outside, on top of your roof, but also inside, where leaks are most likely to present themselves. If there are any, you might notice water stains on your walls and ceilings, paint peeling, or mold.


If Your Roof Is Older, Think About a Replacement

If your roof is more than 20 years old, it might just be time for a replacement. Older roofs are more prone to damages, leaks, and structural issues, so it’s best to talk to a professional about what the ideal course of action for your roof will be. Sometimes, it will be more cost-effective in the long run to get a new roof than to keep fixing the damages that come up.


Take Care of Any Potential Problems Before They Worsen

It is always best to be safe than sorry, so make sure to deal with any roofing issues that were potentially uncovered during the inspection and maintenance, no matter how small they may seem. This will give you peace of mind but also prevent more costly repairs and unnecessary stress in the future.

The Roof Mentors are always at your disposal to help, so don’t hesitate to schedule an inspection with our qualified local roofers Raeford, NC, to make sure everything is still in good shape and that there are no potential problems waiting to happen.

5 Things That Could Endanger Your Roof This Winter

5 Things That Could Endanger Your Roof This Winter (And What to Do About Them)

Since winter is known to be particularly harsh on roofing systems, causing various issues, it’s important to try and stay one step ahead of them. 

The best way to do that is by educating yourself on what you, as a homeowner, can expect in the following unpredictable months. That way, you’ll be able to tackle the issues early on and keep your home safe and sound.

It’s rarely a good idea to just leave your roof at the mercy of the outside elements, hoping for the best and waiting until spring to address any potential issues. On the other hand, it’s always a good idea to deal with problems as they come or try to prevent them altogether with the help of an experienced professional.

With that in mind, let’s have a look at the biggest roofing issues you should watch out for this winter so that you can prepare yourself (and your roof) adequately.


Snow Damage

Snow can do much more damage to a roof than most people think. 

When snow falls on your roof, the heat emitted by your home slowly melts it and drains it through the gutters. But, when there’s more snow on your roof than can drain on its own, it will start to accumulate and begin to seep under the shingles. So, be very careful when it comes to this, as it could lead to major roofing issues.

One thing you can do is use a shovel and try to remove the snow yourself, but be cautious not to hurt yourself or accidentally damage your roof. Furthermore, some homeowners also use salt or calcium chloride when attempting to melt the snow, which is another good idea, but we urge you to be as careful as possible. If not used properly, there’s a small risk that it might cause some unfortunate damage to your roof.

If you don’t feel comfortable doing these things yourself, that’s okay! You can always leave it to roof professionals, such as The Roof Mentors, to keep your roof in top shape during these months. After all, it’s your best chance at staying safe from the cold, avoiding damaging your roof, and keeping your warranty.


Ice Dams

When it comes to winter roof dangers, ice dams are among the most common issues that can occur on your roofing system. They are especially likely to form on roofs in areas with an abundance of snow and ice. 

So, what exactly causes ice dam formation, and what can you do about it? 

The main reason you often notice ice dams on your roof is the uneven temperature distribution. Typically, the upper areas of your roof are warmer because of the warm air that rises from the inside of your home. But the lower-hanging areas, such as roof edges, tend to be much cooler.

The snow accumulating on the roof will start melting towards the cold edges and then freeze, creating a layer of ice that we call ice dams. The larger and thicker they grow, the more dangerous they are, as they can cause water to seep under the shingles and straight into your home.

To get rid of this problem, you should have your gutters cleaned before winter, making it easier for the melted snow to run off of the roof. Also, consider installing proper attic insulation and ventilation to prevent your roof from overheating.

And finally, to minimize the risk of melted snow refreezing, you can try raking it off of the roof as soon as it starts accumulating, especially from the edges.



Icicles are similar to ice dams, and they are the result of the exact same processes mentioned above. 

In addition to ice dams, clogged gutters and downspouts will further enable the formation of icicles. They will allow the water from the melted snow to pool inside the gutters and the edges of the roof, inevitably leading to icicle formation when the temperatures drop below freezing.

While icicles may sometimes look appealing, they are a serious hazard for you and your roofing system. They can easily fall down, which can be a huge safety risk if you or your loved ones are walking beneath them. 

Moreover, their weight can prove to be too much for your gutters, fascia, and roof edges to handle, pulling them down and even damaging them.

Fortunately, the same principles that will help you get rid of ice dams work here as well. Keep your gutters clean and unobstructed, make sure your ventilation is fully functioning and clear the snow frequently.


Attic Condensation 

Did you know that winter and snow can cause just as much damage to the interior of your home as to the exterior? Not to mention that these types of problems often lead to even more serious issues.

When heating your home during the winter months, the hot air will rise all the way to the attic, and without a proper way to escape, it will keep lingering there. Upon coming in contact with a cool surface on the roof, the hot air will condensate, creating moisture build-up in the attic.

The moisture will continue to cause mold and mildew formation and wood rot, all of which can be a health and safety hazard for your family, as well as your property. So, what’s the best way to stay ahead of attic condensation? 

It’s actually quite simple. All you have to do is make sure that you have proper attic ventilation and insulation. They will control indoor temperatures and allow the air to circulate in the enclosed space.


Stay Safe This Winter

While winter is undeniably a beautiful season that brings many joys, it also comes with some risks to your home. Luckily, with proper preparation and the necessary safety measures in place, you can easily steer clear of all of these damages and have a problem-free winter. 

Your #1 roofers Fayetteville NC are here to help you keep winter damages at bay, so don’t hesitate to reach out to us in case you’re experiencing any of the mentioned issues or if you simply want a roof check-up. 

An image of a tree on the roof of a house showcasing the need for roof replacement.

Here’s What to Do When Wind Damages Your Roof

Have you recently been hit by a storm?

Severe storms accompanied by high winds and heavy rain can be hazardous, so if you are concerned that your roof has sustained storm damage, you need to act quickly to prevent injuries and further damage. Every hour after the storm counts and makes a difference in the scope of the overall damage and repair cost.

Wind usually presents the biggest challenge for poorly installed roofs and roofs that have already been damaged, but it is known to affect even the most durable roofing systems. Strong winds blowing at around 60 mph can lift the shingles from your roof, cause the gutters to rip, or cause trees to fall on your house.

And when this happens, there are some crucial steps you should take to prevent long-term damages and safety risks. Read on to find out what they are!


Ensure Your Own Safety

The first thing you need to do during and after a storm is to make sure you and your family are safe. Stay away from trees, exposed wires, power lines, and structures that seem unstable. Be mindful of any other things that could create an unsafe environment, and make sure not to go outside or do any work until the storm has fully passed.


Inspect Your Roof 

Once the weather is clear and only when it’s safe to do so, you can go outside to check for any obvious damages around your home and on your roof. Look around for missing shingles, any holes and dents, pieces of stripped flashing, and similar damages. Make sure to do all this safely from the ground, without climbing on top of the roof and risking injuries. 

In addition to that, check if the gutters have become loose, dented, or completely torn away. While outside, you can also remove the debris around your house, but in no case should you remove a fallen tree. In such an event, make sure to call emergency services and a licensed roofing company.

You can assess and document all the damage you’ve noticed by taking photos and videos of the affected areas, which can come in handy when filing your insurance claim.  


Avoid Storm Chasers

In the aftermath of a severe storm, there is a great chance that you’ll be visited or approached by the so-called storm chasers. Storm chasers are exactly what you’d think and what their name suggests roofing contractors who show up wherever a storm occurs, offering speedy and often cheap roofing services. 

However, these out-of-town roofers are not who you would want working on your roof, as they usually lack skill, proper training, knowledge, or even the will to do proper, quality roofing work. 

Therefore, it’s always best to steer clear of them and rely on your local roofers who have your best interest and safety at heart.


Contact Your Roofer and the Insurance Company

Now it’s time to get a professional inspection from your trusted local roofer and start the insurance claims process. 

Wind damage is usually covered under your homeowner’s insurance, but check your insurance policy just in case and contact your insurance provider to report the wind damage your roof has suffered. 

You will then have to gather all the needed documentation to file your claim and the insurance company will send an adjuster to your home to inspect the damage. You can also employ the help of your roofer throughout this entire process if they offer assistance with roofing insurance claims and let them help you file your claim successfully.  


The Roof Mentors Are at Your Disposal

If you need any type of help with wind damage repair or your insurance claim, The Roof Mentors are here to help! We offer complete roofing and roof insurance Fayetteville services, ensuring that everything goes as smoothly as possible. 

With us in your corner, your roof will be in top shape and your insurance claim approved in no time. So, call us today and increase your chances of resolving wind damage quickly and efficiently!