A house with a shingled roof and roofing words the roof masters.

Top Benefits of Asphalt Shingle Roofing for Your Hope Mills Home

Asphalt shingles have been growing in popularity among homeowners ever since they entered the roofing market. They have many strong points that have made them one of the best choices in residential roofing across the U.S. So if you want to find out what exactly are those strengths of asphalt shingles and how they benefit your Hope Mills home, make sure to read on!


Asphalt Shingles Are Durable and Resistant

Asphalt shingles are made out of fiberglass or felt paper base, asphalt materials, waterproof coating, and ceramic granules. This combination makes them very durable and resistant to high winds and heavy rain, which means that they can last you a long time if inspected and maintained regularly. There are also many different types of shingles available on the market, so you can easily find those that are ideal for your climate.


Asphalt Shingles Are Affordable

If you are looking for a relatively inexpensive roofing solution, then asphalt shingles might be exactly what you need. Newer technology has made asphalt shingles easy to manufacture and thus less costly compared to many other roofing materials. Their high performance and longevity, combined with proper installation, means you don’t have to break the bank to get a quality roofing system.


Asphalt Shingles Are Easy to Install and Maintain

Because of their simple design, asphalt shingles are one of the easiest roofing materials to install. They are very lightweight, which means your roofer won’t need to add any additional support structures when installing them, and you won’t have to worry about potential structural issues. And in addition to that, asphalt shingles require very little maintenance and are easy to repair.


Asphalt Shingles Come in a Variety of Styles and Colors

Asphalt shingles have few (if any) limits as far as appearance and shape are concerned. Their versatility in design allows them to work well with almost any type of roofing system, and they can be installed on virtually any slope. They are also available in a wide range of colors, so homeowners are sure to find one that matches their Hope Mills home and its surroundings perfectly.


Asphalt Shingles Are Eco-friendly

Millions of tons of asphalt shingles are produced every year. That means there is a lot of waste during shingle manufacturing and replacing asphalt shingle roofs. But asphalt shingles can be recycled and repurposed for roadworks and other roofing materials, which helps reduce the amount of waste that goes into the landfills and makes asphalt shingles an environmentally-friendly roofing solution.


Get the Most Out of Asphalt Shingles With The Roof Mentors!

With all of these benefits considered, it is no wonder that the majority of homeowners continue to choose asphalt shingles for their homes. If you want to know more about them or need a new asphalt shingle roof, don’t hesitate to reach out to The Roof Mentors, your reliable roofing contractors Hope Mills NC!

Preparing Your Roof for Fall_ The Experts Weigh In

Preparing Your Roof for Fall: The Experts Weigh In

The falling leaves and colder weather have already come around. This means that it’s time to do some roof damage control and prevention.

Your roof may have sustained damage since the last time it was checked, so performing roof maintenance tasks now will prevent bigger roofing problems in the future. The weather is quickly taking a turn for the worse, so it’s best to welcome it with a top-functioning roof and not risk expensive roof repairs down the road.

In this article, we bring you some of the key fall roof maintenance tips, and by following them, your roof will look and function great even after the weather starts to change. So read on to make sure your roof is ready for fall!


Remove Debris

Many falling leaves, broken twigs, and other small debris are common to accumulate on top of your roof. As fall progresses, the collection of debris will add pressure to the roof and make it susceptible to damage. In addition, moisture that builds up in leaves can break down the roofing material and cause roof leaks. To prevent all those problems, simply make sure to remove the debris from your roof.


Check for Water Damage

Since the attic is usually the place in your home that sustains the most damage caused by leaks, this is the first place you’d want to check for them. The signs of leaks include water spots, wet roof decking, and puddles of water on the floor. If you come across any of those signs, it is high time to call a reliable roofer to ensure your home is leak-free.


Inspect Ventilation and Insulation

While you are in the attic, the next step is to check the ventilation and insulation systems. While temperatures are expected to be slightly higher in the attic, there should not be any signs of moisture or mold that comes with it. If there is some, it is caused by having no or improper airflow. Proper ventilation and insulation will keep moisture out of your home, thus decreasing the risk of moisture, leaks, and structural problems.


Clean the Gutters

Another critical aspect of fall roof maintenance is to check the drainage system of your home. The gutters protect your home from rainwater, so it is important to keep them clean and passable. However, sometimes the gutters may get damaged or filled with debris, which in turn causes clogging and leaking problems. Invest a bit of your time into cleaning the gutters because only the properly functioning ones will keep water off of your roof and outside your home.


Check for Small Repairs

Looking at the condition of the roof shingles, flashings, valleys, and other signs of wear and tear can tell you whether your roof needs minor repairs. These are all very common issues that can sometimes go overlooked, but that can cause more serious issues if not dealt with on time. Therefore, you can simply take a look at your roof from the ground to see whether there are any obvious pieces of flashing or shingles missing, call in your roofer to repair them quickly, and thus save money on more costly roofing repairs in the future.


Call the Experts and Schedule a Free Roofing Inspection!

A professional roofer makes it easier for homeowners to prepare their roofs for fall and identify roofing problems. During a roof inspection, The Roof Mentors will determine which areas of your roof require repairs and which ones can just be cleaned. We check for leaks, signs of wear and tear, damaged flashing, missing or cracked shingles, missing insulation and vent pipes, and more.

Don’t wait for the problems to grow bigger – call your trusted Hope Mills roofers and schedule your free roofing inspection today!

How to Choose a Reliable Roofing Contractor

How to Choose a Reliable Roofing Contractor

To keep your roof in the best possible shape, it is important to hire only professional, qualified and experienced roofing contractors. However, how can you tell if a roofing contractor is reliable and will deliver desired results?

When it comes to choosing such a contractor, there are some simple guidelines you can follow. Read on to discover some great tips on what to look for in a roofer and how to choose the best one! 


Look for a Local Roofer

Choosing locally is always the best idea, so start by researching roofers in your area. Local roofers can be verified easily by asking your locals for references, and there is a high possibility you’ve already come across their business. They also know proper building codes and weather conditions in your area, which means you’ll get the best possible roof that meets all the requirements and quality standards.

Having a roofer nearby will also be convenient both for you and your roofer in case you need additional assistance and check-ups.


Ask for Some References

Before making any decisions, you can ask the roofing company to provide you with references and referrals from previous clients they worked with. Learning about their experience and getting some first-hand information from actual customers will help you decide if the roofer is the best choice for you.

And if the roofing company comes highly recommended and the majority of the customers were satisfied, your decision will undoubtedly be an easy one.


Check for Insurance Coverages and Licenses

It is vital that the roofer you choose is insured. If you hire a roofing contractor without the right liability insurance, you could be held personally liable for any injuries that occur on your home while the contractor is on your property.

You should also ask to see whether the roofing contractor has the proper licenses to work with roofs. The licenses show that the roofer conducts their job legally, according to all existing codes and regulations in the area, as well as that they are able to perform the roofing job properly.


Make Sure the Roofer Offers Warranties 

There are various types of warranties that roofing contractors may offer, but the two most common and important ones are the manufacturer’s and workmanship warranties. The manufacturer’s warranty serves as proof of the quality of roofing materials, and the workmanship warranty as proof of the quality of roofing work conducted.

A reliable roofer should be able to stand behind their roofing work and materials used, and offer proper warranties for both, so make sure to check if they do. 


Get the Estimate in Writing

Before any roofing work is done, make sure you are provided with an estimate that will specify all the tasks and materials needed for the project. Most roofing contractors will conduct a free estimate to let you know the approximate cost of the roofing work before they begin working.

Whether it is a small roof repair or a new roof installation you are inquiring about, you should get everything in writing and, if necessary, be walked through the contract so that everything is clear.


Call The Roof Mentors for All Your Roofing Needs

Now that you know the most important aspects to check, you will undoubtedly be able to find a roofing contractor that is a great fit for your needs. The Roof Mentors are proud to be your most reliable Roofing Fayetteville NC contractor, so get in touch with us if you require a roof replacement, roof repair, or any other roofing service. We will gladly be of assistance!